Spring Fitness Tune Up - Exercises for Arms, Abs, and Glutes
Shed winter layers. Sculpt and define, adding shape and tone.
What does every woman want from spring fitness? Toned arms and abs! And let’s not forget the glutes.
Safe exercises to boost bone and muscle
If winter has added some extra padding in unwanted places, achieve a more sculpted look with strength training. Trim down as you shape up, revving up your metabolism to burn more calories all day long, even at rest!
These exercises target your arms, abs, and glutes, improving the strength and appearance of your figure overall - upper, core, and lower body. Using only bodyweight and a stretch band, you can easily do these exercises at home, at your convenience.
The upside of these exercises is that they are all safe if you have low bone density or osteoporosis. Pick from a wide variety of exercises to shape up your muscles while you strengthen your bones – a win-win!!
Spring Fitness Guidelines
Start with one set of 10 repetitions of each exercise, then progress to 2-3 sets.
Perform a full-body workout (doing all the exercises for upper, lower, and core body) every other day, allowing a day of rest before repeating the workout.
If you prefer to do something every day, cycle through the exercises, doing upper one day, lower the next, and then core body, so you are not repeating the same muscle groups two days in a row. The muscles need rest to recover and develop.
Click on the headings below for the full articles with videos.
Best Flat Belly Exercises
Flat belly exercises are about so much more than the coveted flat belly. Your belly is part of your anatomic center or core, which generates strength and mobility for the whole body. The core muscles, including the abdominals and spinal muscles, provide endurance for holding a position and dynamic power when the body is in motion.
A strong core equips you to handle the routine physical demands of daily life – lifting children, working at a desk, doing housework, driving a car, or simply getting up out of a chair – with greater ease and comfort.
The deep abdominals
“Scooping” (abdominal compression)
Engage the spinal muscles
Best Glute Exercises
The best glute exercises target the three gluteal muscles in your buttocks – the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus – which generate power for lower body strength and stability.
A combination of factors related to aging and sedentary lifestyles cause the gluteal muscles to atrophy, losing strength and size. “Dormant butt” syndrome refers to de-conditioning of the glutes. Without their strength, you are likely to experience declining stability and risk of injury in the lower body.
Resistance Bands Arm Workout
While appearances may be the motivating force, sculpted arms are not only for showing off, but also to help you lift and carry with ease, reach overhead onto the top shelf without strain, and pull your wheelie effortlessly at the airport.
Strengthening your upper body reinforces two vulnerable fracture sites of osteoporosis – your wrist and spine. As you strengthen the muscles of your back, shoulders, and arms, your posture improves to help you stand taller and straighter.
Bra bulge exercises to tone your back
Lat pulldown & reverse fly
Seated low row & high row
Bow & arrow
Awesome arms
Cocktail arms (shoulder flexion/extension)
Seated biceps curl
1-arm triceps pushdown
Get moving now to look your best in bathing suits, sleeveless tops, and slim white jeans!
For other variations on exercises for your arms and upper body, as well as your legs, lower body, and core, please check out Strength Training Exercises for Women by Joan Pagano.